Unique records show that 80% of Intermediate English Learners want to focus on the Present Perfect



Why do so many intermediate English learners put the present perfect at the top of their “to master” lists? The answer is simple. There is no direct connection between a specific verb tense in Portuguese and the present perfect in English.
Here are three tips to help you apply the Present Perfect, if your mother tongue is Portuguese.

TIP 1 There is always an open time frame. So, let’s think about a Portuguese language concept, let’s call it “the já mode”.

PortugueseTenseEnglishTime Frame
Você já almoçou?pastHave you eaten yet?Today
Você já esteve na Etiópia?pastHave you ever been to Ethiopia?Your life up until now
Quanto vocês já fizeram do projeto até agora?pastHow much of the project have you done so far?Until this point in time

TIP 2 You can measure time periods that started in the past and come up until the present. The way we do this in Portuguese is to use “Há quanto tempo…?”

PortugueseTenseEnglishTime Frame
Há quanto tempo você trabalha aqui?presentHow long have you worked here?What I want to know
Atuo neste setor há onze anos.presentI’ve been in this field for eleven years.The last eleven years
Me interesso pela física desde os dez anos.presentI’ve been interested in Physics since I was ten.From the time I was ten until now

TIP 3 The present moment includes things so recent in their occurrence that they are still very present in our minds. Note two ways we can express this thought in Portuguese.

PortugueseTenseEnglishTime Frame
A bolsa acaba de quebrar um recorde.presentThe stock market has just broken a record.Sometime yesterday or today
O que é que você fez com minha apresentação!?present + pastWhat have you done to my presentation?Just now, the evidence is still before my eyes
No que é que eu fui me meter?present + pastWhat have I gotten myself into?Recent events up to where I am now

I hope this bit of comparative grammar helps you along in your mastery of the Present Perfect!